SEO, as any area of our life, is swarming with myths and misconceptions. They are usually born out of ignorance, fear, and hunt for quick results. It is like a variety of diet advice — “cut entirely on the food, just eat one weird vegetable three times a day". Yes, you might lose weight. But will it last? Will you be happy in the process? You tell me.
Same here. People are prone to choose quicker methods. Well, life is too short. Who needs all those long-term results. But we surely need an efficient outcome. Plus, the damage after a quick SEO campaign based on the general misconceptions will take way more time to recover from than applying a well-thought SEO procedure.
However, while people continue to go for quick results and no research, these myths will never cease to exist. What you need is to recognize them as such and treat any information with caution. Knowledge is power. Thorough knowledge is indestructible!
I made a compilation of the most popular myths (that made up a nice number of 13) and tried to debunk them once and forever (or at least for some time). Let's see whether we are on the same side, and if not, let's check whether I can change your mind.
RankBrain, semantic search, AMP, and mobile-first are among the top buzz words of the past twelve months. Penguin and Panda have become smarter and are now part of the core algorithm.
So, to help you catch the wind and brush up your SEO skills, I've prepared a list of recommendations SEOs should focus on right now.
1. SEO is a fraud
2. SEO is all shenanigans
3. Google is at war with SEO
4. One-time SEO effort is enough
5. Link building is dangerous
6. CTR is out of the game
7. Keyword research is a waste of time
8. Social signals are of no SEO value
9. Guest blogging is obsolete
10. High paid rankings = High organic rankings
11. Keyword-optimized anchor text is bad for your SEO
12. Separate pages for every keyword is a key to success
13. SEO is dead